Choosing Hypnotherapy over years of therapy - Here's why
Discover the power of hypnotherapy to break free from past influences, embrace inner freedom, and transform your life quickly and effectively.
**This blog post is the written version of my 'its not you' podcast episode #44.
If you could choose from six years of therapy, or six weeks, roughly, of hypnotherapy, which would you choose?
Now, I can't say for sure, but here's my guess as to what the answer would be. I think a majority of people would choose therapy because that's what they know.
That's what they've heard about for years. Whereas hypnotherapy is kind of new* and for some, comes with the stigma of, you know, watching the handheld watch go back and forth and back... 'aaannnd nooowww you're in hyyypppnooosis.
I think that is waning quite a bit. Hypnotherapy is on the rise because it cuts the therapeutic time down from six years to six weeks, and oftentimes less. So why then do most people choose therapy?
Well, there's a few reasons. One may be the cost.
A lot of therapy is covered by health plans. Oftentimes, hypnotherapy is not. Now, here's what I would say to that. If you are choosing six years over six weeks because of the cost, I hate to be the one to tell you that your dollar cost averaging isn't exactly adding up.
And I say that being that person that always valued the cost over the value itself of a product or a service.
There are a couple of painters in my neighborhood, and they're all friends of mine. One of them in particular is more expensive than the others. And he said that many who he gave a quote to went with somebody cheaper.
And lo and behold, they call him back to clean up the mess that the cheaper painters caused.
So now they're spending double the money, As well as the extra added time to have a second painter come in and disrupt their lives.
So all that to say, for someone who wants results and wants them quickly and easily, and yet you don't want to pay the physical price for it?
In other words, you're choosing six years over six weeks. Then it's highly plausible that you don't fully understand what's at stake.
It's not the money that you're losing. It's precious bonding time with your kids or your spouse.
- It's positive, happy working relationships.
- It's living a stress-free life.
- It's having peace of mind; inner peace.
- It's eliminating chaos from your life and drama.
- It's getting along with the in-laws.
- It's making decisions for your own life without input from other people who think their opinion matters.
- It's not being afraid to voice your beliefs and opinions.
- It's trusting and believing in yourself.
- It's not being weighted down by negative beliefs and old patterns that cause you to self-sabotage.
Or be hard on yourself or berate yourself. And we all know where that leads. When we feel bad about ourselves, we often project it onto those closest to us, which causes confrontation.
And I don't think I need to go any further. You get it.
So never mind dollar cost averaging. Let's talk about life cost averaging.
Life cost meaning what are you losing in six years that you could enjoy after six weeks? And I'm going to cut right to the chase here.
If your relationships with your kids or your spouse, or your in laws, or your friends, or at work, or whatever's falling apart in your life. If the easiest choice is to spend the six years versus the six weeks because of money, money takes precedence.
You're placing more value on money than the things that you say you want in your life or the things you say you value. Like a relationship with your spouse and to be a safe place for your kids.
Or to be your true self in whatever form that looks like, whether it's just making decisions for yourself, being fully expressed, just being your true self, and not having to worry about other people's opinions about you being your true self.
If these things were valued by you as much as you think or say that they are, money would not be the issue.
If you had a leaky roof and you were broke, you'd have to find the money, because you know that water damage is going to be a whole lot worse if you don't spend the money and get that roof fixed.
Well, there's nothing different here. A second reason many people would go the avenue of traditional therapy is because they've been hypnotized to believe therapy is the only way.
So what do I mean by that?
We're talking about therapy, and now I'm saying you're hypnotized into believing therapy is the only way.
Well, let me explain, and I'll start by saying this:
Many people who don't come to or who are skeptical of hypnosis or hypnotherapy, it's because they have a fear of either thoughts being implanted in them, or they're scared of revealing their deepest, darkest secrets. Well, first of all, that doesn't happen.
But if it did, we still have the same oath as any other therapist and couldn't tell anybody anyway.
And we've about heard everything you could possibly imagine. So your secrets probably aren't as bad as you think they are.
But this is all besides the point of what I'm trying to make here. When I said you're hypnotized into believing therapy is the only way, it's true. Hypnosis happens through constant repetition.
When we hear the same thing over and over and over and over again, and if we only ever hear one thing, then we're going to believe it. It's going to form a belief.
So because hypnotherapy has gotten a bad vibe from years past, thanks to the media, traditional therapy has gotten the pass. You're literally hypnotized to believe hypnosis bad, therapy, good. And that's not true at all.
Here's another example. Up until a couple years ago, I would bet that most people, when they saw the image of someone in a white lab coat with a stethoscope around their neck, a doctor, they would get a warm, trusting feeling.
And that's because, same thing - you've been hypnotized to believe doctors, good. Doctors, keep you healthy and safe. And up until a few years ago, we would have said the same thing about policemen. You see the uniform, you immediately get the sense of safety and security.
But here's the thing:
Those old beliefs are no longer relevant. They're no longer present because we got de-hypnotized the moment we saw doctors going against their oath to do no harm, and police going against their oath to serve and protect. Instantly the hypnosis was dissolved.
And that's what I want to continue to talk about.
Hypnosis is not about getting hypnotized to do something.
Truth be told, it's getting de-hypnotized to stop doing things that are destroying your life.
And let me be the first to tell you, 'it's not you.'
From the moment you're born (actually, from the time you're in the womb), we absorb countless suggestions from our environment.
Parents, teachers, friends, anyone in authority, media. And these suggestions shape our beliefs, our sense of self, and our view of the world.
It's like our worldview, the way we see the world is based on all of our earliest experiences.
Now, the reason we are suggestible in the first place is because we have no filters in our mind, in our brain until seven years old. So everything taken in, is believed to be true.
And without the ability to decipher truth from fiction, we become suggestible. Meaning we accept whatever goes into our brain, into our mind.
And how suggestible we are as adults has a lot to do with our state of mind at the time of taking information in.
So, for example, if you watch the news all the time when you're really tired, you're more than likely to be affected by it and believe it. Not to mention the repetition of it.
During the COVID experience, the media pumped out the same information twenty-four seven. The same thing every minute of every day. This is why everybody went into a state of hypnosis and believed everything they were suggestible to, everything the media was pumping out.
Because it was on a loop.You weren't given an option to have a different thought.
Equally, if you're say, sad, tired, frustrated, lonely, and you jump on social media, whatever you're spending your most focused attention on will make you suggestible to that very thing.
So if you're feeling bad about yourself, you go on social media dead-scrolling because you're feeling blah.
Your mindset is suggestible. You're open to being influenced. You're going to be drawn to posts that make you feel more of the same, which is going to go full circle to convincing you that you are in fact, not good enough.
And to no surprise, you believe it and you feel worse.
The real issue is that you went to social media feeling that way in the first place. And that is where hypnosis comes in. Where we want to dehypnotize you from having felt that in the first place.
We want to dehypnotize you from hearing the voice of your mother telling you you'll never amount to anything. Which is what is unconsciously drawing you to social media to scroll those sites in the first place.
Now, when you're dehypnotized, you will be able to go to those sites and not be overwhelmed with emotion. Or you won't be drawn to them at all because it's no longer a part of your psyche.
Then we have your marketing and advertising. So much like social media, when you're feeling a certain way and you're drawn to certain ads, marketing, commercials, because of the way you're feeling, you are suggestible.
Your focused attention is on how bad you feel and you're being marketed to how to get over that feeling.
You don't feel good enough. Buy this designer bag.
Overall, what I'm trying to say is we have billions of bits of information coming in every day, vying for our attention. The more suggestible we are, the more prone we are to get sucked in.
And our suggestibility hinges on our focus. What are we focused on that is leaving us open to being influenced?
Can you remember a time when you were watching TV where there were commercials and you were really, really into the show?
And by into the show, I mean your whole focus was on that show. If somebody was to have called your name, you wouldn't have heard them because you're so focused. Then a McDonald's commercial comes on, and now your mouth is watering for a big Mac.
So let me point out some distinctions here. If you hate Big Macs or are a vegetarian, you would not be suggestible to that commercial. So taking the vegetarian, for example, eating meat would probably want to make you vomit.
And seeing that commercial would immediately pop you out of the hypnosis that you're in watching that show...that commercial. Because any focused state like that is hypnosis, which is what makes you so suggestible.
With that being said, that then shows you that in order to fall prey to this suggestibility, there has to be a level of believability within you to begin with.
So you have to like Big Mac's in order to have your mouth watering. You have to believe you're unworthy and useless to get sucked into somebody's Instagram feed that shows you exactly that.
Do you see what I'm saying? And all of that began from your early years. You were in hypnosis, being programmed.
So let's swing back all the way to getting de-hypnotized. In order to be de-hypnotized, we want to go back to all of these old programs.
All of these old patterns, and dismantle them and reprogram yourself for success. It's also to equip yourself with tools and skills to be less vulnerable to these types of influences. So you have more freedom and control over your thoughts. Therefore, your life.
In hypnotherapy, we get to the root of your issues.
We resolve those issues quickly and timely, and then you're done. You're free to move on with the rest of your life.
In other words, I may never see you again unless something else creeps up that you want worked on.
Whereas the model of therapy is to keep the revenue stream going. That's not the model of hypnotherapy.
The model of hypnotherapy is, let's solve your issue so you can go on with your life and start living it. The way you want to, happily, freely, and full of joy.
It's actually a really shitty business model because then we're constantly needing to get new clients.
But you know what?
There is no greater payoff than seeing somebody for a short period of time walk out of here with new dreams and new belief in themselves. Ready to take on the world one more time.
That is the epitome of success.
Hypnosis is not new*. It's new in the sense that people are choosing it more frequently for it's efficacy and speed of recovery. And is now a much sought-after form of therapy.