The hidden dangers of negative thoughts, and hiding your true self
Explore the hidden dangers of negative thoughts and their impact on your true self and inner peace.
It's well documented that our negative thoughts can and often do cause unnecessary and sometimes fatal levels of stress.
Also anxiety, fatigue and even physical illnesses.
And by fatal we're talking heart attacks, strokes and manic episodes that could lead to suicidal ideation.
Gastrointestinal issues like IBS, colitis and ulcers are also included.
And that's just the shortlist.
I mean, think about it...
You only have to remember times when you had out-of-control negative thoughts to realize how they affected your life.
The physical aspect for me was colitis. I suffered with it a lot as a teen. I was healthy and fit. But I was tortured daily by my mind. Which was precipitated by my environment.
But what about all the hidden dangers caused by negative thoughts that no ones talking about?
Like the effects of suppressing your true self.
Suppression of anything causes resistance. And resistance causes stress. Because you're fighting against yourself.
Your true self is trying to express. But it resists because your negative thoughts are warning you that doing so is dangerous.
And those warnings originated from your early environment.
That's why you believe them.
You were shown, ie, you have evidence that expressing your true self is not acceptable.
And that who you truly are is not enough.
So you become who everyone wants you to be.
Thus suppressing all your gifts and quirks. Your humor and brilliance.
You may even lack self-love and most certainly inner peace.
Which lead to the hidden dangers of feeling:
- Unfulfilled
- Guilty
- Bloated with self-doubt
- Scared to speak your beliefs and opinions
- Empty
- Lost
- Hopeless
- Lack of confidence
- Self-consciousness and inhibition
You might ask, 'why/how are they hidden dangers? These are normal feelings that everyone experiences.'
And you would be right.
The problem is:
The sequence of behaviors that occur because of those feelings.
And the people that suffer as a result - including yourself.
When you experience any of the feelings listed, chances are you are looking outside yourself for a solution.
For instance, if you feel unfulfilled, you're probably looking for some thing to fulfill you. Maybe your negative mind chatter is constantly comparing you to other people.
So you spend wayyy too much time or money on fulfilling a status role.
To be accepted. To fit in.
And then you drown in guilt.
That guilt then increases your self-doubt which enhances your fears to speak your beliefs.
Which leaves you feeling more empty, lost and hopeless.
Feeling any or all of these things leaves you less likely to have confidence. Chances are, you turn inward and become self-conscious, riddled with inhibition.
If that's not bad enough...
All these things further cause you to:
- lack enjoyment in life
- void of humor
- be open to manipulation
- lack self-trust
- derail relationships
- take things personally
I'm going to cover two of the things listed. The first is ' causes you to be open to manipulation'.
When you lack confidence and fear being your true self... And feel hopeless (or anything else from that list), you show weakness. Weakness is like dripping blood in the wild.
It exposes you and your vulnerabilities. And it leaves a trail for those with malevolent intentions to exploit you. And because you're looking outside yourself for answers, their task will be easily achieved.
They'll tell you what you want (need) to hear and emotionally suck you into their trap.
The second is 'derail relationships'. I'm sure you've heard the phrase 'we take things out on the ones we love'. Well, it's true. Sometimes that's through misplaced anger and sometimes its through projection.
Whichever it is, we are attacking our loved ones for our perceived inadequacies and fears.
That drives them away, exacerbating our already fractured feelings.
And once again, your negative thoughts step in and say 'see, I told you so'.
If you'd like to take control of your negative thoughts so you can break free from fear and gain inner peace click here.