Think the world is out to get you? Here's the real enemy

Think the world is out to get you? Here's the real enemy

Jul 18, 2024

Think the world’s out to get you? The real threat may be closer than you think. Uncover the hidden influence shaping your reality in surprising ways.

*This is the written version of 'its not you' podcast episode 49

Think of your favorite song. Now pause for a moment and sing that song in your head.

Although you might slip up a few times, it's my bet that you would know that song word for word.

So how is it you know an entire song, word for word, but not the phone number of your best friend?

It's because we learn through repetition and emotion.

And Joseph Goebbels knew this very well.

If you don't know who Joseph Goebbels is, he was a German Nazi politician and philologist, which is someone who excels in linguistics, grammar, phonetics.

One definition would be someone who knows how to spin words and give them new meaning.

He was a chief propagandist for the Nazi party and then Reich minister of propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted followers.

So why does this matter?

Well, he's famous for propagating a technique called 'The Big Lie.'

The big lie is defined as a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth, primarily used as a political propaganda technique.

This is where being a philologist comes in. It was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf to describe how people could be "induced to believe so colossal a lie, because they would not believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

So how then does someone end up believing something so distorted?
Let's let Joseph Goebbels tell you through his infamous quote.

And I quote,

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

A variation of that same quote is, "Repeat a lie often enough and loud enough, and it will be accepted as truth."

It's all marketing, folks. And it's all designed to get you to drop your defenses, your beliefs and biases so you think what THEY want you to think.

And this is why you must come back home to yourself.

You see, the thing is,your subconscious doesn't know the difference between what is real and what is a lie or a fantasy.

So listening to anything repetitive and with emotion is eventually going to become a truth to you.

Add a dash of humiliation from your friends and family for not going along with the propaganda that they've succumbed to, and you suddenly find yourself an outcast at risk of losing your tribe.

For many, that's too painful a consideration. Which is why coming back home to yourself is crucial.

Because when you do, things like this will no longer be an issue.

Propaganda works because it is repeated by people we were propagandized to believe had our best interests at heart.

Like the government, the media, and the so-called experts the media has on to validate this propaganda.

I'll even go so far as to say, doctors. I mean, when you think of the latest Covid fiasco, it's now been proven that doctors got a financial incentive to push this shot.

So they too have been propagandized and they pass it on to us. Because we look at the white coat and believe that they have the education.
They know more than us.

So we should just go along. I didn't intend to include that part. And at the last minute, here we are.
So while we're here, there's a big discussion going on now about childhood vaccinations.

How many they're getting and are they necessary, and how many people have noticed a change in their baby from before and after they got their childhood vaccinations?

So where I'm going with this particular point is...Imagine if you're a parent and you go to the doctor and you say, "My child, my baby is different since the vaccinations."

And your doctor tells you you're crazy. That becomes a disconnect between you trusting what you know to be true.

You're trusting yourself, your instincts, your motherly instincts, and listening to what this so-called expert is telling you. And that's where the battle becomes an issue.

When you 100% come home to yourself, win the war within, can trust yourself. That will never be an issue.

You will never say to the doctor, "Oh, okay, maybe you're right."
You will fight him tooth and nail until you get answers.

All these experts, no matter whether we're talking about the so-called experts the media has on to tell you this or that, or doctors or everyone we're supposed to listen to, because they 'know more' about what's best for us than we do...

They're all incentivized. They're on a payroll.

They have been incentivized to manipulate research in their favor. Some of them get a marketing scheme together to repeatedly pound out this new information so we change our behaviors accordingly.

In the case of doctors we're talking about, the pharmaceutical industry gets the marketing scheme together and pounds it out to the news stations, to your doctor, and then your doctor pounds it out to you.

Otherwise, it's like if we're talking about your government propagandizing you.

They're going to get their own marketing team together and they're going to pump it out through the media to, to make you believe things that aren't true.

They're going to pump it through the schools. I mean, Christ, my phone app or my weather app on my phone has like these extreme warnings now where we never had that before.

Because it's all about global boiling and blippity blop. Bunch of bullshit. And what, oh, what was it the other day? 'Obscene heat warning' or some stupid thing like that.
But it was, it's absolute lunacy. But their whole push is for us to change our behaviors.

And again, it's fear-mongering.

You get young kids with phones now buying this crap because they haven't had 30, 40, 50 years of weather that changes and sometimes does get extreme.

Here's some other ways that they propagandize us.
Did you know that the food pyramid where they told us to eat seven to eleven grains a day was funded by the agriculture industry?

They even went against their consultants, who told them they would produce an epidemic of obesity and diabetes. And here we are with rampant obesity and diabetes.

The food pyramid was repeated by everyone. Parents, teachers, personal trainers, doctors, health nurses. And it was all marketing to drive profits to the agriculture industry.

And if you didn't repeat the lie, 'the big lie', you were a goddamn heretic, a conspiracy theorist. Which is another tool of propaganda designed to stigmatize and marginalize people who have beliefs that differ from the narrative of the day.
In the 1960s, there were rising concerns that sugar was causing heart disease.

So, to quell said concerns, the sugar industry funded research at Harvard University, in which Harvard scientists downplayed the risks of sugar and accentuated the hazards of fat.

They found that to be a great business opportunity. If we could be persuaded to eat a low-fat diet, you know, for the sake of our health, we would need to replace that fat with something else.

Naturally, that something else is sugar. They postulated that american sugar consumption per capita could go up by a third.

You see, it's all about manipulating those who aren't comfortable in their own skin. People who need to fit in, people who don't want to go against the grain or rock the boat.

And the Harvard scientists did it for the money. 50,000 in today's dollars. Worse yet, one of the researchers was the chairman of Harvard's public health nutrition department.

This is why you need to come back home to yourself, so you'll be able to discern between what's real and what is a lie.

So common sense, self trust, and intuition leads your decision making not lies and propaganda.

I'm going to swing back a minute to this climate stuff. Growing up I was warned that blow-drying my hair causes cancer, as did eating bacon.

Can you imagine? I was told we had a hole in the ozone layer and that using aerosols like hairspray and deodorant would cause it to worsen.

It's all a lie.

So they can guilt you into changing your behavior so you do what they tell you to do or buy what they tell you to buy.

Oh, here's a good one that I hadn't even considered. Sunscreen.
What do you hear? "If you don't put all this 4000 chemicals on your skin to block the UV rays from the sun, you're going to die of skin cancer!"

You're going to get all of these diseases without these 4000 chemicals on your skin. You kidding me?
Now... If you're feeling resistance to what I just said, you've been propagandized. You believe the propaganda.

That it's better to put 4000 ingredients on your skin to supposedly block out the sun than it is just to have the natural sun on your skin.

Now I'm not trying to be confrontational. I'm just asking you to consider what I'm saying here about the propaganda. This is all for your own knowledge. I couldn't care less what you put on your skin.

But it's for your own knowledge. So you can see where and how you've been lied to. And how you fell for it. And again, I don't mean that in a derogatory manner.

I'm saying this is for your own self-awareness so you can come home to yourself.

The climate change BS they're pushing today is a lie and nothing more than a money grab. We went from in no particular order, fear-mongering about the ice age to the ozone layer, to acid rain, to the ice caps are going to be gone to global cooling, to global warming.

And when all those were proven false, they rebranded again to encompass any and all weather possibilities into one category, climate change.
Then they ramp it up to climate emergency and climate boiling.

It's a government agenda. So you're taught it in school and you hear it repeatedly. And naturally, because we associate school with learning and teachers with knowing more than we do, we believe it.

Add to that, watching other kids going along with it. You know if you don't, you'll be shamed and shunned and put in the loser category.

Bullied if you will, for not falling for the propaganda they fell for hook, line and sinker. Without question or consideration.

And here's why it's effective in schools. Because up to the age of seven, we have no filters. And we accept everything as truth. We have no discernment. So the younger they get the kids, the easier they are to program, or should we say brainwash?

Then those kids come home to you and argue that the so-called facts they learned in school are true and what you're saying isn't.

Aside from climate change, other examples of today's abuse of language ie propaganda are things like 'gender-affirming care.' Which really means child mutilation.

Children getting their penis and breasts cut off. At the very least they take hormone blockers, which can screw them up for the rest of their life.

Another, at least in Canada, is 'safe injection' sites where the government gives out free drugs. They're not safe. And as our official opposition accurately called them, they're drug dens.

The next one is brand new for us here in Canada. The government is intentionally putting these drug dens beside schools and playgrounds and is saying we need to 'cohabitate' with people using crack, heroin, meth, who are openly having sex or masturbating.

And as usual, the liberal supporters are using Goebbels talking points and going hard with repeating and sometimes screaming the government talking points over and over and over and bringing in paid so-called experts expecting us to drop our common sense and years of wisdom.

You know, to go along, to get along, to avoid short-term pain. We're expected to 'cohabitate' our 5,6,7,8, 9,10 eleven-year-old children with hard drug users.
And again, I will say, this is why we must become whole.

Why we must come back home to ourselves so we are no longer susceptible to outside influences that threaten our inner knowing and robs us of our self-trust.

A lot of people have bought into this garbage. This is not safe for kids. Yet people are fighting to keep these drug dens beside schools.

When we truly know and trust ourselves, everything and everyone else, who are doing things FOR themselves at the expense of YOU...
(In other words, using your weakness against you to get what THEY want), those things and people fall away and become irrelevant.

Because you just don't care anymore what other people think.
You know yourself.
You trust yourself
And you will no longer put someone else's opinion of you above your own beliefs and inner guidance.

And the more people we have who do this, the less power these propagandists have to manipulate us. And propagandists are everywhere.

Often in places you wouldn't expect.

Like between your ears.

Yes, you heard that right. The number one source of propaganda are the things you say to yourself. Your self-talk and the lies you tell yourself and believe about yourself are the most toxic forms of propaganda there is.

That's because there are things other people made you believe about yourself.
No baby is born believing they're unworthy.
Just as no baby is born with hate or self-loathing.

These things are learned. Then exacerbated and perpetuated by someone, most often who has power over you.

And while it's not your fault, it's not really theirs either, because most often it's all they knew.
The thing is, you don't know that what you're telling yourself is lies because they feel so real.

And they feel so real because you heard them repeatedly. So your subconscious accepted it as truth.
The bigger problem is you, we, continue repeating those lies to ourselves without challenging them. Which further confirms and cements them, making them harder to challenge.

I mean, think about what you say to yourself about yourself.

No self-respecting person would verbally abuse themselves this way unless they truly believed what they were saying is true.
And one more thing. The subconscious will show you in real life what you believe, again, cementing the belief further.

So if you believe that you're unlovable, you will be in a position that will prove you're right. For instance, your kids will say they're famous, "I hate you, you're a terrible mother" line, and your heart will be broken and you'll feel weak and all that fuels your inner demon.

When things like that happen, what you have to remember is: it's not you.

There's nothing wrong with you.

You aren't broken.
You don't need fixing.
And you are enough just as you are.
These are propaganda programs that can be reprogrammed so you can win the war within and become the person you want to be.

And, it's not that hard and it doesn't take years like many people will have you believe. That's just more propaganda by people who don't give two licks about you and are:

  1. Either scared of you transforming and losing their power and control over you, or
  2. They're looking for a lifetime client. Therapy takes years. Hypnotherapy takes weeks.

The overall point I'm trying to make is this. Now that you know how propaganda works, not only can you disarm it moving forward, but you can use it to your advantage.

Here's what I mean.

You now get to decide what you want your subconscious to believe. And you tell it that.

Yes, it will feel like a lie at first, however, do this, keeping in mind that everything you've ever been told has been a lie.

Remember, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what isn't. It believes what you tell it repeatedly and with emotion.

Think about your subconscious like a search engine. If you were to go to Google and type in 'how to reset my clock,' that's the information you're going to get back. It's not going to pull up 'how to unplug a toilet.'

It follows the directions you gave it and gave you answers accordingly. That's how the subconscious mind works.

And this should be really good news, because now you know you are actually the one in control. You get to decide what goes in and stays in.

So whatever you want, be excited about it and repeat it often.

Now, I was going to end here, but at the time of recording this, there has been a major event happen in the US.

On July 13, 2024, former President Donald Trump had an assassination attempt on his life during his open-air rally in Pennsylvania. He survived, but he was shot in the ear.

I'm pretty certain this is no surprise to you, but here's where I'm going with this. I'm going to use that real-time event to further prove to you how you're being lied to and how propaganda is spread so easily and deceptively.

And as I said, Trump had an assassination attempt on his life. He was seen putting his hand to his ear, then with blood dripping down his face, dropped to the ground. You could hear the gunshots.

It was obvious and everyone knew what happened. But here are the headlines from the so-called media that we are supposed to trust to tell us the truth.

Washington Post: Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pennsylvania rally

NBC: Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after popping noises heard at his Pennsylvania rally

USA Today: Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noise startles former president

CNN: Secret Service rushes Trump offstage after he falls at rally

Newsweek: MAGA responds with outrage after Donald Trump injured at Pennsylvania rally

ABC: Donald Trump escorted offstage by Secret Service during rally after loud noises ring out in crowd

The Sunday Denver Post: Gunman dies in attack

The Sacramento Bee: Trump rushed off stage with apparent injury

Sky News: Nothing justifies an assassination bid, but did Trump play a part in changing the rules of engagement?

Forbes: Will surviving gunfire be Donald Trumps next appeal to black voters?

Talk about absolutely neurotic lunacy. That they would print garbage lies like this and think that we didn't see and hear what we saw with our eyes and our ears.

So, this is blatant. Okay? This is blatant. And this is why I share this with you. This is easy to see.

You can compare the headlines with what you saw and heard. But a lot of the other stuff going on happens at an unconscious level where it is not this obvious.

And, you know, but for some, it isn't obvious. For some, they're saying Trump staged all this. So they are believing the headlines.

And these are the people who continue to be manipulated and brainwashed and end up being puppets to everybody while losing themselves in entirety.

Oh, one more thing. Not only did they write propaganda headlines, Reid Hoffman's democratic strategist sent an email to reporters asking them to push the idea that Trump shooting was staged so Trump could become a martyr.

The letter is online. You can look it up. Hoffman is a multi-billionaire who is the founder of LinkedIn. I didn't find the reason why he would have influence over what the media companies write.

And I didn't look that hard because I don't really care. The point is how the left spin things to influence your mind.

Now, a day later, CNN and ABC are claiming Trump, the man who got shot in an assassination attempt on his life, was inciting violence when he left the stage shouting, fight for fight, fight.

I'm sorry, but that is epic levels of delusion and deception. All in a bid to get you to think what they want you to think.

I'm begging you, please, please, please come back home to yourself. Win the war within so you can make the decisions in your life that serve you and only you.

And that's when you become the person you want to be. The mother you want to be, the spouse you want to be the daughter, the friend. That's when you live your best life. It's when you be your true self.