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Exclusive Online Group Hypnotherapy So You Can Take Back Control Of Your Mind & Life

12 people max. 6 weeks. 2x a week. 1.5 hours per session. First class begins April 17 2023

Sign up now for only $4992.00 USD. You get weekly online group coaching, NLP & hypnotherapy sessions. With a maximum of 12 people, you will have the intimacy of a one on one xxx so you can gain the confidence and peace of mind that will transform your life.

Included is a separate community so you can interact with each other and share your successes.

Silence your mind chatter

Have greater control over your thoughts, feelings, and impulses.

Take your power back

Restore harmony so you can build resilience and resourcefulness.

Self awareness

Find your inner strength, confidence and courage. 

Do you feel sad, lost or confused?

You don't feel like yourself anymore. The world around you doesn't make much sense, either.

Your mind is feeding you with unhappy thoughts or you feel:

External Pressure



No emotional control

Learn the best tools, strategies and skills to get back to peak mental health

In these session you won't just be getting information that will help guide you to a fulfilling life. You will get solutions that will transform your life.  

If you want to be bulletproof this is for you. 

If you want to crush your fears of other people's opinion this is for you. 

If you want to gain your power back and keep it, this is for you. 

If you're sick and tired of raging lunatics deciding what you should and shouldn't be doing, this is for you. 

If you want the courage to defend yourself against people who make personal attacks rather than honest debate, this is for you. 

This is also for you if you want to heal your heart and gain peace of mind.

Get out of the clutches of your intrusive thoughts that are derailing your life.

Each session will highlight a different person giving everyone a one on one. And rather than learn hypotheticals, you will observe many different tools and skills used in different relatable scenarios that you can start using immediately.

Other Hypnotherapy services available

Below are three coaching/hypnotherapy options.The 'Group Online' is the current offer'.

Digital Course

Slay Your Inner Demons Mastery.

If you're someone who likes having all the information and tools at your disposal but prefers to do it on your own schedule, this is perfect for you.This digital course is an extension of both the one-on-one and the virtual group. You will get everything you need to heal your heart, crush your fears.

One to one online

Slay Your Inner Demons Mastery.

Transform your life with the intimacy and power of a one-on-one session. During this personal time, you will develop a deeper understanding of who you are in an organized way. Then, uncover and rewire limiting beliefs, patterns and behaviours so you can crush your fear and manifest an abundant life you love. 

Group Online

Turning Fear Into Freedom. Prefer to be in a small group of like minded people? Here, we work together to uncover and rewire the patterns and behaviours that block you from remembering the essence of who you truly are. Being in community is an opportunity to learn more about yourself through the experiences of others. 

Get Started

Meet Suzie Q, your instructor

For as long as I can remember, people opened up to me about personal things normally suited for a therapist. 

Everyone told me this was my expertise - and I should become a counsellor. Even though it came very naturally to me, the last thing I wanted to do was listen to peoples problems for a living - I had enough of my own! 

You see, I was adopted. At 15, my parents gave me back. While in foster care, my brother was killed in a car crash. I was told "It's too damn bad the best one in the family had to die." I'm sure you can appreciate that I have an idea of what rejection, not being good enough and wondering what's wrong with me is.

Then, I experienced the power of Hypnotherapy. Not only did it resolve my suffering, I felt at peace for the first time in my life. 

Because of what I went through, and the speedy healing I experienced, it became my life's purpose to help people to not suffer the way I did. 

SuzieQ is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and Dream Coach®. It is her mission is give people the unshakable courage to be their true selves, the freedom to speak their truth and the confidence to feel in control of their life.

Examples of potential sessions

Each live session will begin with group conversation which will determine the essence of the sessions. 

Finding hope within

Inside, you have everything you need.

Living with intention

You can truly design your life when you are intentional about it.

Inner peace mastery

Stay calm and relaxed when the world around you is falling apart.

Emotional Control

When you have emotional control - no one can control you.

Focus your attention

What you focus on expands. How to find the good in bad situations.

Control your awareness

Shift your perception of your life and your world.

Here's what turning fear into freedom looks like

Our clients experience life changing moments and that's why we're here

''You helped me transform my emotional wiring. Thank you.''

Nancy • USA

''I have never felt peace like this in my life. 

Allison • Canada

''I feel freer, lighter and stronger.''

Dalia • Thailand

''For the first time in my life, I don't care what other people think of me! Thank you''

Emma • Canada

Frequently asked questions...

What is my committment if I sign up for the membership? 

There is no committment aside from the month you sign up. You will be charged monthly and you have the freedom to stay for as little or long as you want. 

Can I do these sessions with my kids and/or spouse?

Yes! And the best part is, everyone will take away something different. Those differences make for great conversations. 

What if I can't make a session?

All recordings will be made available in the membership for you to view at your own leisure.

How do I know if this is right for me?

If you want peace of mind, inner freedom and transformation, and if you are NOT suffering from a severe mental illness, this is for you.